Excerpts from a talk given by a monk at Self-Realization Fellowship's 75th Anniversary World Convocation, Los Angeles, July 14, 1995
"Renaissance" means rebirth. In the West, we look at history as a linear progression and assume that the farther we go into the future, the more evolved and refined things will be. But the yogis of India teach that history is cyclical. It moves in giant 24,000 cycles - from higher ages to lower ones and back up again, over and over.
The Florentines in the Renaissance looked back to the classical cultures for a model of ideal civilization; they idolized ancient Rome. And whom did the Romans idolize? the Greeks, who in turn idolized the Egyptians. Do you know why? Though very few Western historians could answer, it is because the Egyptians were a higher-age culture. Truths from past ages that were much more advanced than ours were encrypted in the Egyptians' hieroglyphics, in symbolism we still don't understand.
In his Autobiography of a Yogi, our guru Paramahansa Yogananda mentioned the civilizations of higher ages in ancient India, Egypt, Japan, China, Mexico - all over he world. Everyone of them has long since disintegrated, except India's. India's wisdom has survived all these centuries because, instead of carving their legacy in symbols and stone, her masters maintained a living spiritual tradition from guru to disciple. Even when history descended to the dark ages, the guru-disciple relationship continued to produce realized saints who kept that sacred flame alive, century after century. This is the key point - these teachings that our Gurus ( Self-Realization Fellowship Gurus) reintroduced to the world are not new; they are he wisdom of the highest ages becoming known again. And now that in our time the great cycle of ages is beginning to ascend once more, people are not only ready again to understand this higher wisdom , they are demanding it.
In his Autobiography of a Yogi, our guru tells us: "Unknown to society in general, a great spiritual renaissance started in 1861in a remote corner of Banaras." That was when Lahiri Mahasaya, at the request of Mahavtar Babaji, began initiating disciples into Kriya Yoga. And it was 1920 that the final stage of this renaissance truly got under way, for it was in that year that our Guru, Paramahansaji - whose work had begun in 1917 as Yogoda Satsang Society of India - beheld in a great vision a panorama of Western faces and heard God calling him to America. After a few days later he was ordained by Babaji to begin his world mission of spreading the science of Kriya Yoga worldwide.
"India has sent these Self-Realization Fellowship teachings," our Guru said, "to show you how to expand your consciousness to receive the infinite wisdom, the infinite love, the infinite joy of God."
As Guruji often said, he did not come to bring a new teaching or a new religion, but the essence, the truth, behind all religions. These teachings are more than religion; they are the truth that upholds life itself. If you want to be a good parent, you'd better have more than platitudes to answer your children's questions. If you want to know the secrets of getting along with others, of creating fulfilling relationships, you need more than religious dogma. Or if you want to be a successful businessman, these teachings are going to help you more than anything else you could ever study, because they give you the divine laws of success. Our Guru's teachings give a practical understanding of the basic laws of life that is incredible in its breadth.
Once a devotee of this path (of Self-Realization Fellowship) was talking about how the teachings applied to his work, and mentioned the words work and service. I asked him, "What is your definition of work and how does it differ from service?" He thought for just a minute and said, "Well, in work you produce something and in service you become something." I thought, this is Truth! Sincere members of Self-Realization Fellowship are not just sitting and studying about truth - they are living it; they are manifesting it; that's how exciting it is. And that is why these teachings will be at the core of the coming age.
Source: Self-Realization Fellowship magazine, Issue: Fall 1995
Picture: Self-Realization Fellowship International Headquarters Building on Mt. Washington in Los Angeles.
The Florentines in the Renaissance looked back to the classical cultures for a model of ideal civilization; they idolized ancient Rome. And whom did the Romans idolize? the Greeks, who in turn idolized the Egyptians. Do you know why? Though very few Western historians could answer, it is because the Egyptians were a higher-age culture. Truths from past ages that were much more advanced than ours were encrypted in the Egyptians' hieroglyphics, in symbolism we still don't understand.
In his Autobiography of a Yogi, our guru Paramahansa Yogananda mentioned the civilizations of higher ages in ancient India, Egypt, Japan, China, Mexico - all over he world. Everyone of them has long since disintegrated, except India's. India's wisdom has survived all these centuries because, instead of carving their legacy in symbols and stone, her masters maintained a living spiritual tradition from guru to disciple. Even when history descended to the dark ages, the guru-disciple relationship continued to produce realized saints who kept that sacred flame alive, century after century. This is the key point - these teachings that our Gurus ( Self-Realization Fellowship Gurus) reintroduced to the world are not new; they are he wisdom of the highest ages becoming known again. And now that in our time the great cycle of ages is beginning to ascend once more, people are not only ready again to understand this higher wisdom , they are demanding it.
In his Autobiography of a Yogi, our guru tells us: "Unknown to society in general, a great spiritual renaissance started in 1861in a remote corner of Banaras." That was when Lahiri Mahasaya, at the request of Mahavtar Babaji, began initiating disciples into Kriya Yoga. And it was 1920 that the final stage of this renaissance truly got under way, for it was in that year that our Guru, Paramahansaji - whose work had begun in 1917 as Yogoda Satsang Society of India - beheld in a great vision a panorama of Western faces and heard God calling him to America. After a few days later he was ordained by Babaji to begin his world mission of spreading the science of Kriya Yoga worldwide.
"India has sent these Self-Realization Fellowship teachings," our Guru said, "to show you how to expand your consciousness to receive the infinite wisdom, the infinite love, the infinite joy of God."
As Guruji often said, he did not come to bring a new teaching or a new religion, but the essence, the truth, behind all religions. These teachings are more than religion; they are the truth that upholds life itself. If you want to be a good parent, you'd better have more than platitudes to answer your children's questions. If you want to know the secrets of getting along with others, of creating fulfilling relationships, you need more than religious dogma. Or if you want to be a successful businessman, these teachings are going to help you more than anything else you could ever study, because they give you the divine laws of success. Our Guru's teachings give a practical understanding of the basic laws of life that is incredible in its breadth.
Once a devotee of this path (of Self-Realization Fellowship) was talking about how the teachings applied to his work, and mentioned the words work and service. I asked him, "What is your definition of work and how does it differ from service?" He thought for just a minute and said, "Well, in work you produce something and in service you become something." I thought, this is Truth! Sincere members of Self-Realization Fellowship are not just sitting and studying about truth - they are living it; they are manifesting it; that's how exciting it is. And that is why these teachings will be at the core of the coming age.
Source: Self-Realization Fellowship magazine, Issue: Fall 1995
Picture: Self-Realization Fellowship International Headquarters Building on Mt. Washington in Los Angeles.
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I begin on internet with a directory
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