Though one must love God in order to know Him, it is equally true that one must know God, in order to love Him.No one can love anything of which he is entirely ignorant; no one can love a person who is completely unknown to him. But those who meditate deeply do "know," because the find the proof of the existence of God as the ever new Joy felt in meditation, or the Cosmic Sound of AUM heard in deep silence, or the Cosmic Love experienced while concentrating devotion at heart , or the Cosmic Wisdom that dawn as inner enlightenment, or the Cosmic Light evoking visions of Infinity, or the Cosmic Life felt during meditation when the little life is joined the greater Life in everything.
Any devotee who even once sensed God as anyone of His tangible manifestations in meditation cannot help but love Him when thus touched by His thrilling qualities. Most people never really love God because they little know how lovable the Lord is when He visits the heart of meditating devotee. This actual contact of the transcendental presence of God is possible to determined devotees who persist in meditation and continuous soulful prayers.
hi there,
I've been looking for this book in KL. I live in KL and aheva few books on Paramahansa Yogananda and enjoy reading them. Is this book available for sale here locally?
my email is hyperkinetix@gmail.com
This book has just been released by SRF in US. A friend of mine has ordered it from SRF onsite catalog. You may wish to order online. It costs USD14+shipping charges.
The online catalog link:
By the way, we are running SRF meditation centre in KL. We do sell SRF publication, however, we have not ordered the new book yet. I will inform you when the book is available with us for sale.
To know more about KL SRF meditation centre, please do visit:
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