Life Is a Matrix of Consciousness
We are made of the matrix of consciousness. All life was spumed out of the one Source of the river of consciousness. Your individualised consciousness is thus the very foundation of your existence. All of your thoughts and actions are bubbles and droplets of the river of consciousness.
The seemingly solid body is actually a mass of electro-magnetic currents. Its electrons and protons of the relative positive and negative creative thoughts projected by God, which I (Paramahansa yogananda) call thoughtrons. All creation is derived from these thoughtrons, the consciousness of God.
What is the difference between black and white? They are two contrasting thoughts, each frozen into its particular concept, that is all. For example, black horses and white horses in a dream are nothing but different crystallization's, relativities of the dreamer's one stream of thought.
In the ultimate sense, then, all things are made of pure consciousness; their finite appearance is the result of relativity of consciousness. Therefore, if you want to change anything in yourself, you must change the process of thought that occasions the materialization of consciousness into different forms of matter and action. That is the way, the only way, to remould yourself.
The seemingly solid body is actually a mass of electro-magnetic currents. Its electrons and protons of the relative positive and negative creative thoughts projected by God, which I (Paramahansa yogananda) call thoughtrons. All creation is derived from these thoughtrons, the consciousness of God.
What is the difference between black and white? They are two contrasting thoughts, each frozen into its particular concept, that is all. For example, black horses and white horses in a dream are nothing but different crystallization's, relativities of the dreamer's one stream of thought.
In the ultimate sense, then, all things are made of pure consciousness; their finite appearance is the result of relativity of consciousness. Therefore, if you want to change anything in yourself, you must change the process of thought that occasions the materialization of consciousness into different forms of matter and action. That is the way, the only way, to remould yourself.
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or email me at: kalagara.suresh.kumar@gmail.com
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